

This research study explores the influence that objects and visuals can have on the perception of British resilience in the face of the blackout situation during World War II. My work describes and compares different artifacts and graphic realizations in order to define their impact on the morale and self-sacrificing strength of British civilians. The challenge of this thesis is to try to understand on a larger scale how objects and images have made it possible, in a conflict situation, to influence the behavior of a group of people, to modify their perception of the environment and to help them better cope with an anxiety-provoking situation.

This research is conducted under the following questioning: We can ask ourselves if the use of innovative objects and inventive image campaigns during the blackout did not forge the spirit of resilience of the British? The problematic of this dissertation, aims to propose an original analysis of the British resilience during the blackout through these images and inventions.

48 pages     /    2021   /    Image credits : Imperial War Museum Archive